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Pursuit of Passion - Jenna Santacroce

Jenna is a phenomenal person with such a passion for the environment. Read on to learn more about her story!

“Hi Everybody! My name is Jenna, I am a recent community college graduate from New Jersey.

When I came to community college, I had intentions of studying elementary education. My whole life I planned on being an elementary school teacher because I thought it was a career best fit for future mothers.

When I got to community college, I met all my friends who had really ambitious goals and my mentor who gave me all sorts of advice and guidance. I learned that

while teaching is a really notable profession, maybe it wasn’t for me. Maybe I don't have to plan my whole life around these children that I didn’t even have yet.

So I decided to take my life long hobby in environmentalism and turn it into my career goal! Here I am now, transferring into my 4 year institution majoring in Public Policy, minoring in environmental studies.

I feel like I am doing exactly what I should be!”


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