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Don’t Rush - Nick Gorman

"Hey everybody, Nick Gorman here.

Well, I see so many people rush to try and get to where they’re going in life and I’ve got to tell you: you have time, so relax. Don’t put too much stress on yourself.

Let me tell you a little bit about my story. When I was 18, I was out on my own trying college for the first time; it didn’t really work out, but that’s okay.

But once I got home, I did a lot of bad things, ended up going to prison, and by the age of 23, I was homeless. At the age of 30, I was finally back on my own, I met my wife, and we had a little boy. At the age of 35, I was back in college, and by the age of 37, I had gotten a degree.

So, go ahead and take your time because in the next 3 years, I was able to run a team for NASA, get chosen as a NASA fellow, and will start working for a job for one of the largest government contractors in the world.

You have time. Take your time, enjoy your life. Take it from me, enjoy your time!"

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